Line Stop Heads and Sealing Elements



Sealing Elements (Cups) and LineStop Heads for:

- Sizes:  2" to 56"


- Design Pressure: upto 1480 PSI


- Material:  Buna-Nitrile-Viton and other polymers available.


- Supplied ready drilled and ground to size or drilled and unground depending upon customers requirement.


- Reinforced for high pressure applications.


- When ordering please state pipe inside diameter, contents and operating pressure


((click image to enlarge))



Storage Instructions:


- Sealing Elements are to be stored horizontally on a flat surface.  Cylindrical spacers may be used to stack the elements vertically providing they are located centrally on the backing section of the Sealing Element.

- Sealing Elements are to be stored in a well ventilated dark area.


- The normal temperature range for storage is between 10oC to 30oC.


- The maximum service temperature is 120oC


- Sealing Elements are not recommended for storage or service with chlorinated solvents, strong oxidising chemicals or fuels, and solvents having a high aromatic content.


- The side surfaces of the Sealing Element are not to be subjected to external loading which may cause deformation.


- Shelf Life:  2 - 5 years if stored correctly.






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Tool Rental Solutions for Turnarounds and Major Maintenance Projects



EZ Calc - Bolting Calculator, Enerteq's oline tool for estimating Required Torque Values. Use to determine Torque, Bolt Load and Percent Yield of Maximum Load of Bolts.