Steel Reinforcing Equipment

Custom Fittings for the Pipeline & Oilfield Industries

Pipeline Intervention Products

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Custom Fittings for the
Pipeline & Oilfield Industries

Full-Encirclement Reinforcing Saddles are used to provide reinforcement for branch outlets in accordance with ASME B31.3, B31.4, B31.8 and other applicable design codes.


Partial Reinforcement Saddles

When only partial reinforcement is required we can provide partial saddles in accordance with ASME B31.3, B31.4


Pipeline Reinforcing Sleeves

Manufactured in compliance with ISO 9001:2008 certified quality program



Full-Encirclement Reinforcing Saddles

Full encirclement saddles manufactured to meet most needs. Full-Encirclement Reinforcing Saddles with full size or reduced branch outlets.


Full-Encirclement Saddles are stocked in a variety of sizes and configurations manufactured using A234 Grade WPB material. We also have the in-house capability to supply stainless or high-yield stress saddles in any size or configuration required.


Single or two piece construction and split in any of five configurations:


Part 1 — Single piece construction, split into two equal halves through the run and the branch Part 2 — Single piece construction, split longitudinally through the run perpendicular to the branch Part 3 — Two piece construction, composed of a run cylinder welded to a partial saddle, split into two equal halves through the run and the branch
Part 4 — Two piece construction, composed of a run cylinder welded to a partial saddle, split longitudinally through the run perpendicular to the branch Part 5 — Single piece construction, cut into three sections by splitting through the branch and through the run perpendicular to the branch  



Partial Reinforcement Saddles

With a number of combinations of run and branch sizes are stocked and ready for immediate shipment. Our standard saddles are manufactured from Grade WPB material, but we also have the in-house capability to supply stainless or high-yield stress saddles in any size if required.






Pipeline Reinforcing Sleeves

Used to repair and reinforce pipelines damaged due to internal and external corrosion, gouges, dents, cracks and defective welds. Our manufacturer produces Pipeline Reinforcing Sleeves for non-pressure retaining structural reinforcement or for applications where the sleeve will be required to contain the full design pressure of the pipeline. Pipeline Reinforcing Sleeves are custom fabricated to the unique design requirements of each situation.






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Tool Rental Solutions for Turnarounds and Major Maintenance Projects



EZ Calc - Bolting Calculator, Enerteq's oline tool for estimating Required Torque Values. Use to determine Torque, Bolt Load and Percent Yield of Maximum Load of Bolts.